Reshape your Thinking – talk at Ladies Networking Function

The Guest Speaker at the monthly Ladies Networking morning held at Hirsch’s Centurion, Inge van der Merwe, challenged the audience to ‘change their thinking  to change their life’.  Inge – a seasoned motivational speaker’s life purpose is to provide people with the life skills to empower them to face each day with courage.

Inge spoke about the importance of taking responsibility for your own thoughts by reshaping your thinking.  This can be done by becoming more aware of your thought patterns and aiming to think positively regardless of the situation – making a conscious choice to ‘see’ opportunities instead of obstacles.  Stressing the importance of being aware of ‘self-talk’ and the role that our words play in influencing our lives, she used illustrations from a study by Dr Masaru Emoto – where water molecular structure changed visibly when different words were spoken over it.  Words can thus strengthen or weaken your physical body – and we need to use our words to create our desired reality.

The Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever finalist for June was announced at this event.  Bianca Otto – Managing and Creative Director of SilverChalk Design Studio, expressed her gratitude at receiving this prestigious award.

Each of the ladies present where given a 30 second opportunity in which to present themselves and their business.  After some lucky draw prizes were given, opportunity was given to network over a cappuccino and light refreshments.

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